Distracted Driving

Distracted Driving

The problem of distracted driving is something serious in North America. In 2015 alone, 3,477 people died due to this problem. Do you want your last words to be "tq"? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

“Distracted Driving is any activity that diverts our attention when driving, including talking or texting on the cell phone, eating and driving, chatting with people in the vehicle, playing with the stereo or navigation system - any something that diverts our attention and affects the safe driving of a vehicle.
Do you really think that 5 seconds that will take you to quickly read a text message can make a difference? If we put it another way, would you be stressed if you drove a vehicle without seeing the same distance as a soccer field? At 55 mph, this is exactly what will happen.

Distracted Driving

In addition to the 3,477 people who died in 2015, 391,000 people were injured from distracted driving. Teenagers represent the largest group of people with fatal injuries.

How can you help stop distracted driving?

Be the example. Do not answer text messages while driving. Do not eat or drink while driving and, if someone dials you, be sure to use your hands-free system for calls in your vehicle. In addition, you should talk with your children about the risks and ask them to commit not to get distracted while driving. pre book london taxi


Teenagers are the best messengers when it comes to other young people. Encourage your children to talk with their friends about the problem of distracted driving by sharing basic information and statistics that explain the risks they incur while distracted driving.

Teach them

Then, in addition to the points already mentioned above, teach others explaining that texting while driving increases the risk of a crash up to 23 times if compared to people who are not distracted while driving. However, 37% of people admit to texting while driving at some point and 18% admit texting while driving every day. In Texas, 1 in 5 crashes is from distracted driving today. To fight these alarming statistics, Texas has implemented a campaign called "Platica, Textea y Choca". The campaign aims to make Texas residents forget their cell phones while driving, teaching the population that this is a real danger.

In 2016, there was a 3% increase in car accidents compared to 2015 for distracted driving and 109,658 crashes occurred in Texas for driving in the same condition.

If your age is between 16 and 34, you are much more likely to suffer from a distracted driving crash... And it is nothing else because you are the driver, but because you can be the passenger. This is a very good reason to get frank and firm with a driver and tell him not to text and drive at the same time. Something you can do if you travel as a passenger is to help the driver with the radio, you can also answer your text messages or do anything else for the driver to avoid being distracted. Also, please review my previous article about possible criminal charges that you might face if you have an accident while texting, including a possible felony charge!

Txdot.gov has very good resources about the Platica, Textea and Choca campaign and videos, photographs and information that could be useful to warn people to stop driving with distractions. I am going to attach two informative articles in English and Spanish with greater detail that explain the risks that someone runs while distracted driving. The first article will provide you with the information you will need to convince someone not to drive with distractions. The second article includes a list of several applications for our personal use, applications that will serve to protect your children by downloading them and keeping them on their cell phones. Do not drive under the influence of your Cell Do you want to stop talking, texting and driving? There's an application for that. Was he injured because of a distracted driver? Click here to find more information about what you should do and how you can get help from a lawyer today! more article you can read here https://copyblogeer.blogspot.com/


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