How to make clean clipping paths in Photoshop
When combining the graphic elements of Adobe Photoshop CS5 in a page layout program, such as Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress, you may want to compose the graphic objects on a colored background. Unfortunately, when you carry the graphic in your design, the background behind the objects darkens the background tone and spoils the effect you're trying to create. The solution to your problem is simple: Create a clipping path in the Photoshop file and create its background disappears. Instructions 1 Start Adobe Photoshop CS5. Select the "Open" option from the "File" menu and browse to the location of the document to which you want to add a clipping path. 2 Press the "F" key on the keyboard to place your display of the file in full-screen mode and surround the document window with neutral gray. Select the "Zoom" tool from the toolbox by clicking its icon or pressing the "Z" key on your keyboard. Click in the file window to zoom in on the...